GIT 2018
XVI-th International Conference
General Information Theory
July 01 - July 10, 2018, Varna (Bulgaria)
Aims and Scope
The conference objective is to present and discuss current achievement in the fields of the General Information Theory. General Information Theory (GIT) is considered here not only as a pure theoretical discipline. While matter and energy are the foundation of material World, information is the foundation of the mental world as well as of the interactions in alive beings and within their communities. It is the leading factor in evolution and genetics. It is the basis of intellectual activity. Studying intelligence, we should take broader approach discovering the role of information, generally speaking, in life. The time has come to work out more uniform and general, deeper understanding of information processes which support the noosphere.
In this, broader sense, we should again and again turn our attention to the philosophy, interrelations between material and mental, correlate the notion of information in communication, biology, humanitarian areas and the physics of micro world.
We strongly believe that the progress in AI is tightly tied with our deeper understanding of informational processes, in general. The conference is dedicated to this broad issue.
Topics of interest
Include, but are not limited to different aspects of the main areas of GIT:
(1) Theory of the Information,
(2) Theory of the Information Subject (INFOS), and
(3) Theory of the Information Interaction (INFORACTION):Philosophy
- Philosophical background: material and mental – their coexistence and cooperation; the role of humanitarian and natural science knowledge
- Creation of paradigms by intellectual systems
- Information and knowledge; information and life
Cognitology, Gnoseology and Semiotics
- Theory and methodology of World cognition by intellectual systems and communities; intellectual instruments of cognition: hypothesis, theories, experimental verification and falsification, role of knowledge systems: knowledge, experience, beliefs, conventions, prejudices, religions, myths, formal and metaphorical reasoning; consciousness and selfconsciousness
- Semiotics of knowledge acquisition and model construction
- Evolution and informational processes
Modern Physics
- Physics of information processes and informational background of physics
- What give quantum mechanics and other theories of microworld to our understanding of information exchange; principle of non locality, “spooky action at a distance”
- Noosphere and its informational component, simulated objects with different noosphere statuses
- AI systems' creation within the frame of integrated interaction with environment and goal oriented activity
Humanitarian Aspects
- Modeling Informational interaction in Nature and society: physical, social systems (psychology, egregors, sociopsychology) and beyond.
Steering Committee
Alexander Palagin (Ukraine)
Anatoly Krissilov (Ukraine)
Krassimir Markov (Bulgaria)
Mark Burgin (USA)
Pedro C. Marijuán (Spain)
Rafael Yusupov (Russia)
Vassil Sgurev (Bulgaria)
Vitaliy Lozovskiy (Ukraine)
Vitalii Velychko (Ukraine)
Yi Xin Zhong (China)
Program committee
Alexey Petrovskiy (Russia)
Anatoliy Gupal (Ukraine)
Ekaterina Solovyova (Ukraine)
Gordana Dodig Crnkovic (Sweden)
Gurgen Khachatryan (Armenia)
Guy A Hoelzer (USA)
Igor Gurevich (Russia)
Iliya Mitov (Bulgaria)
Iurii Kryvonos (Ukraine)
Jerry LR Chandler (USA)
Joseph Brenner (Switzerland)
Karl Javorszky (Austria)
Koichiro Matsuno (Japan)
Krassimira Ivanova (Bulgaria)
Christophe Menant (France)
Leonid Svyatogor (Ukraine)
Liudmila Cheremisinova (Belarus)
Loet Leydesdorff (Netherlands)
Michel Petitjean (France)
Qiao Tian-qing (China)
Sergey Krivii (Ukraine)
Søren Brier (Denmark)
Stanley N Salthe (USA)
Svetlana Cojocaru (Moldova)
Tatyana Gavrilova (Russia)
Vladimir Donchenko (Ukraine)
Walter Riofrio (Peru)
Wolfgang Hofkirchner (Austria)
Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy (Ukraine)
The official languages of the conference are English and Russian.
Papers and Fees
To submit a paper use the ITHEA ISS Submission Web System:
To see the deadlines, fees and rules for preparing the papers please click here.